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5 Steps to Have Your Best Year Yet

Even if you haven’t gotten your plans and goals set for 2022, don’t worry, It’s never too late to get started. Some of us need to make it through the holidays before we can create enough mind space to get quiet, sit down and create our plan. If that’s you, these tips might be helpful and if they feel a little woo woo, that’s ok too. Remember, I’m a whole psychotherapist in these streets and that’s what some of us are known for. LOL!

Start with your vision.

What’s your dream for the year? What direction would you like to drive your life in this year? How about in five years? Give yourself permission to dream big and spend some time daydreaming and creating a colorful picture. As your vision becomes more clear, notice how it feels and what emotions come up as you see yourself there. Research shows when we fully see ourselves in accomplishing our goals, our brains find ways to make them come true. I love to dream about growing my practice; it gets me all excited to paint a visual picture for myself.

If you’re wondering where to start, as a guide, I like to use the areas of mental, physical, spiritual, financial and relationships.

Write your goals in the present tense.

For example ‘My business produces a million dollars in revenue’. When I imagine myself reaching this goal, it feels like dancing. How does that feel when you see yourself already living your dream?

If you’re afraid to choose goals that would really change your life and challenge you to move outside of your comfort zone, that’s ok. If they don't scare you, they’re too small.

Now prioritize them

List them from the most important to the least important. Assign days, weeks, months and quarters that you’d like to have each goal completed by. Break down each goal into smaller steps and use them as a roadmap to get you to that vision you’ve created. Be sure to identify any tools you’ll need along the way (people, money, resources, habits).

Make sure to have your plan written down

But, don’t store it away-share it with your accountability partner. Keep it with you so you can use it to keep you on track throughout the year.

Most importantly,

Remember to CELEBRATE along the way.

Life can be hard enough. We don’t have to have it all figured out to enjoy it along the way.

Let me know your favorite goal setting strategies!


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