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It's Time for a Mid-Year Check-In

Sisters how y’all doing? Brothers, y’all alright? In January I did the requisite blog about New Year’s goals and resolutions, and we’re midway into 2022, so I figured now would be a good time to check in.

I’d love to hear what you're still working on, which goals you’ve accomplished and if there are goals you’ve decided are no longer important.

Early in the year I was on the struggle bus to start my fitness journey and I’m proud to say I've definitely made some improvements. I’m doing a TikTok challenge called 75Soft, that’s a lot more forgiving then some of the other challenges I’ve done in the past. Remember the Master Cleanse?…eek!

75 Soft is forgiving and much more realistic for this version of my life, which includes a lot more ease and softness. Basically, for 75 days you eat healthy, work out with an active rest day and read 10 pages of whichever book you choose. It’s really a challenge I can get behind because I love to read and I need a lot of forgiveness. I’m not quite at the halfway point, but I’m committed to finishing it!

Most importantly, how is your mental health? What improvements have you made this year? We don’t often brag about our well-being, so here’s your space to do that! If life is a struggle, that’s ok too, but I implore you to reach out for help.

Leave a humble brag in the comments!


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